I did a bunch more research on this St. Paul of the Cross. And the "patron saint of writers" thing. Seems there may be several "patron saints" of writers, and journalists, and storytellers, and publishers, and authors. Some Catholic friends say the journalist patron is St. Francis de Sales, yet there are other saints who claim to be the patron of "creative writers" or "storytellers" or "authors." It seems a lot of the "saints" liked to write. And St. Paul of the Cross wrote a LOT, mostly sermons, and maybe that's where the patron saint label comes from for him. It all seems pretty encompassing, meaning there are a lot of saints who see writing as a "holy" or "divine" thing. Maybe that's all I need to know.
Lovely. I'm already a believer, so it's an easy stretch for me to accept that there is divine guidance surrounding us. Love this story. Thanks for sharing.
I think many writers are seekers, I know I am. I am drawn to both mysticism and Buddhism both of which would be deemed "flaky" in my family but they resonate deeply. I could provide many experiences like the one you describe here - and like dreams - they *absolutely* mean something, tapping into something. If you know, you know. Most recently I had the unpleasant task of separating my Terrier from a rabbit he'd cornered in the garden. The rabbit was crying in a piercing, terrible way but the dog did stop when I told him to (amazing, really) and obediently went back inside. When I came back to check, the rabbit was untouched, completely fine. And, instead of running off, he hopped over to my feet, sat quietly and stared up at me for a good minute. It was so incredibly touching. Then, he took off at top speed. This, to me, was another one of those significant events. Thanks for this - it's not just you!
Hey David, nice to connect here. You probably get a sense of spiritualtity as a path for me and I agree with you that it all boils down to what you believe. What we ultimately believe, conscious and unconsious beliefs, ends up being our reality. I enjoyed you connecting the dots and how it evolved into your understanding of what it means for you. That's what really matters. Connecting the dots, feeling the connections, I think that is much of this Life experience at least what feels meaningful. Blessings, brother. ~ E. <3
Amazing how your RC background and subsequent rejection of organized religion match my experience and feelings. Even more amazing is how your sense of “ever-searching” mirrors mine. Not to mention we are both writers with one difference: my name isn’t Paul.
I did a bunch more research on this St. Paul of the Cross. And the "patron saint of writers" thing. Seems there may be several "patron saints" of writers, and journalists, and storytellers, and publishers, and authors. Some Catholic friends say the journalist patron is St. Francis de Sales, yet there are other saints who claim to be the patron of "creative writers" or "storytellers" or "authors." It seems a lot of the "saints" liked to write. And St. Paul of the Cross wrote a LOT, mostly sermons, and maybe that's where the patron saint label comes from for him. It all seems pretty encompassing, meaning there are a lot of saints who see writing as a "holy" or "divine" thing. Maybe that's all I need to know.
i recognize synchronicity as a signature of soul. It’s in the sensations of the co-inside-dance.
Lovely. I'm already a believer, so it's an easy stretch for me to accept that there is divine guidance surrounding us. Love this story. Thanks for sharing.
I think many writers are seekers, I know I am. I am drawn to both mysticism and Buddhism both of which would be deemed "flaky" in my family but they resonate deeply. I could provide many experiences like the one you describe here - and like dreams - they *absolutely* mean something, tapping into something. If you know, you know. Most recently I had the unpleasant task of separating my Terrier from a rabbit he'd cornered in the garden. The rabbit was crying in a piercing, terrible way but the dog did stop when I told him to (amazing, really) and obediently went back inside. When I came back to check, the rabbit was untouched, completely fine. And, instead of running off, he hopped over to my feet, sat quietly and stared up at me for a good minute. It was so incredibly touching. Then, he took off at top speed. This, to me, was another one of those significant events. Thanks for this - it's not just you!
Wodnerful story. Thanks for sharing this, fellow seeker.
Wodnerful story. Thanks for sharing this, fellow seeker.
What a great story! Just a delightful something to let you know your dad is with you.
Thank you for sharing this. . . . . and there's no such thing as a coincidence!
I love this. I was also raised Catholic, but am now more "spiritual" - and like you, wondering what that means. Thanks for sharing.
Hey David, nice to connect here. You probably get a sense of spiritualtity as a path for me and I agree with you that it all boils down to what you believe. What we ultimately believe, conscious and unconsious beliefs, ends up being our reality. I enjoyed you connecting the dots and how it evolved into your understanding of what it means for you. That's what really matters. Connecting the dots, feeling the connections, I think that is much of this Life experience at least what feels meaningful. Blessings, brother. ~ E. <3
Thank you. You’re a dear. ❤️
Amazing how your RC background and subsequent rejection of organized religion match my experience and feelings. Even more amazing is how your sense of “ever-searching” mirrors mine. Not to mention we are both writers with one difference: my name isn’t Paul.
Lol. I think there are a look more like us than we ever imagined.