We walk or hike several miles each day in retirement. Our travels around the world are based on hiking locations. Walking is a form of meditation. Started this routine in our early 50s…best thing we’ve done.

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Love it. Love to know the places you've been. :)

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We retired at 59 in 2020. Some of our favorite walking locations we’ve visited during our nomad travels since:

US Southwest (Grand Canyon, Canyonlands NP, Guadalupe NP)

John Muir Trail in the Sierra Nevada

Sheep’s Head Way in Ireland

Lake District in England (our favorite location—spent several months hiking the 214 Wainwright Fells and we return for a couple months each year)

Peak District in England

Madeira, Portugal

Croatia (Split)

Some have been hiking adventures, but we also stay in cities (e.g., Split, Budapest, Funchal, Portland, Draper, Utah) where we can walk every day without needing a vehicle.

Enjoyable slow lifestyle that keeps us healthy and motivated.

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"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~ Truer words were never penned.

As to your mental meanderings: They mirror mine from many a day. I walk a lot, mindfully, and never fail to return home filled with gratitude and understanding and a deeper connection to all that matters.

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What a great gift, right?

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"the cult of everyone"

Yes, Dave, this. All of us seeing our interconnectedness. Thanks for writing your ramblings for us. <3

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Felt a little like Kerouac in the Dharma Bums. :) Thanks, Melanie.

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Beautiful. So pleased you recorded it so you could share it with us. Walking or just sitting outdoors and taking it all in - being mindful. It sets the tone for the day. Grateful to be alive sums it up to me.

In February I decided to be kind to someone everyday. It seemed to please the person I was kind to, but it has warmed my insides too. It has become a daily habit.

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Monica, what a wonderful decision to make and a great practice. Wouldn't it be something if we all did that every day?

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Lovely. You remind me how important a solitary walk is now and again. But I also love the walks with friends and loved ones. Thanks for sharing. 🤎

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Glad you transcribed and shared this, David. Such a heartfelt awareness. This makes it easy to recall similar moments. I look up to the sky and say, "Thank You" so very often.

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Thank you for this, it was a very good read for the beginning of my day. I often sit outside just quietly and observe the sky and birds with much enjoyment. Times like that are filled with a fascinating stream of thought. There is tremendous value in quiet contemplation!

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Amen this one!

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